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HomeHealthKerala again facing Nipah Virus Threat

Kerala again facing Nipah Virus Threat

Nipah virus alert in Kerala: Know virus Symptoms, Prevention and cure

The virus can spread to humans through direct contact with infected animals or their body fluids. The virus symptoms often appear within 4-14 days after getting infected.

What is Nipah Virus?

Nipah virus is a zoonotic virus, meaning it can spread between animals and people. Further, it is a bat-borne virus. Furthermore, it first emerged in 1998 in Malaysia and Singapore, primarily affecting domestic pigs.

According to WHO, consumption of fruits or fruit products contaminated with urine or saliva from infected fruit bats resulted in the outbreak in Bangladesh and India. Notably, the virus is not an air-borne disease, however it can spread through objects contaminated by secretions of infected animals.

Symptoms of Virus

As per analysis, the symptoms usually appear within 4-14 days. Initially, the symptoms include fever and headache, often followed by cough, sore throat and difficulty in breathing. However, in serious cases the virus can cause brain infection known as encephalitis and can even lead to death.

Precautionary Measures

Avoiding close contact: First, avoid direct contact with infected animals and humans.

Avoid Fruit bats: The virus is often transmitted through fruit bats. Hence, avoid contact with them and do not consume fruits contaminated with their saliva or urine.

Hygienic Measures: Next, regular washing hands with soap and water and using proper hygienic measure can reduce the risk of infection.

Protective Measures: Healthcare workers should use protective measures like gloves and masks. In addition, awareness should be spread in infected areas and necessary health guidelines should be followed.

Virus in Kerala

As per reports, virus has been found in the Kozhikode district of Kerala again. While, this is the third time the virus has been spotted in the area since 2018, four more cases has been registered as of today. In addition, two deaths have been reported due to Nipah virus.

As a precaution, health workers and doctors are conducting mandatory tests and sending them to National Institute of Virology (NIV) for confirmation.



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