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HomeHealthNew Analysis on eating Chicken

New Analysis on eating Chicken

Chicken lovers: Eating Chicken can make you close to world’s tenth largest disease

Chicken lovers need to exercise caution as eating chicken may lead to a global disease. The World health organization (WHO) warned people who are fond of eating chicken.

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

 As per the WHO analysis and research, chicken can act as a carrier of Antimicrobial resistance (AMR). This is known to be the tenth largest disease worldwide. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) represents a major global threat across human, animal, plant, food, and environmental sectors. In 2019, bacterial AMR is estimated to have claimed almost 5 million deaths, including 1.27 million deaths being directly caused by it.

Dr M. Wali is a renowned health expert and a former physician to three Indian Presidents. According to the doctor, the disease is rising at an alarming rate as consumers are eating more chicken.

Use of antibiotics in poultry farming

Chicken is assumed to be high in nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, and minerals. However, it is causing hazardous effects on health. Notably, the modern way of poultry farming is working behind the scenes. It involves injecting chicken with antibiotics to enhance their health and size.

Consequently, an ample amount of antibiotics garner within the chicken’s body. As a result, this has an adverse effect on individuals who consume such chicken.

Developing antibiotic resistance

Further, consuming notable amount of antibiotics leads to the development of antibiotic resistance in the body. Furthermore, this results in decrease in effecting antibiotic medications.

Finally, over the passage of time the antibiotics present in the chicken body gets transformed into antimicrobial resistance.

Eventually, this makes the body prone to various forms of infections. Henceforth, the treatment and cure for such infections are sometimes challenging or even impossible.

Embracing Vegetarianism

Considering the consequences of antibiotics in the body and the escalating problem of AMR, health experts suggest following a vegetarian diet. Green vegetables, cottage cheese, milk, and yoghurt are excellent alternatives that provide adequate quantity of proteins, minerals, and vitamins and can be incorporated into one’s diet.



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