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New Features coming to Google Photos

Google Photos introducing three new features including Google album archive and Partner sharing

The tech giant is currently testing a new selection of Google photos features to make easier for users to share photos and videos. The feature also include Google album archive after 30 days.

New Features

Google always keeps users overhaul with its new features. Currently, the innovation leader, Google is under testing phase for several exciting new features. The technological powerhouse aims at enhancing photo and video sharing feature.

According to a report, the features were discovered by app expert assemble debug, who analyzed the Google Photos app’s underlying code. Further, he posted this on the social platform, named X (formerly Twitter). Moreover, the features are not yet enabled in the app as they still hold potential changes. However, the company promises for making Google photos more user friendly.

List of new Features

Streamlined Partner Sharing:

A new sharing shortcut is under testing phase. Conveniently, users will be able to share albums with partners in a single click. Earlier, users had to navigate through the sharing menu to select partner from a list. However, after nominating your partner from contact list, you can share media directly using new shortcut. In addition, the feature does not brace adding more than one contact in sharing shortcut.

Automatic Album Archiving

Similarly, this feature is in testing and allows users to automatically move albums to archive after 30 days of period. Further, the archive is a place where you can store photos and videos that you do not want to appear in library.

Moreover, the feature allows enhanced security by keeping the content in locked folder, which requires passcode for access.

Calendar Integration

The new feature is all about managing your schedules and memories in a more simplified way. This feature integrates with Google photos to create reminders and events directly from Google photos app. Additionally, setting all the details of time, duration and title.

Notably, the features are expected to be for Google one subscribers, as the code mentions benefits for them.

In addition, users must remember that these features are under testing phase so they may undergo additional changes.



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