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HomeHealthThe causes of Low temperature in human body

The causes of Low temperature in human body

Feeling cold all the time due to low body temperature? Here’s what your body might be lacking

Low Body Temperature causes

During winters, India’s northern states experience cold waves and thick fogs. This is common every year and many of them in India suffer more cold than others. Due to this low body temperature causes iron deficiency and poor blood circulation in human body.

Startling, this year the National capital of India was hit by a severe cold wave. The minimum temperature recorded was three degree Celsius, the lowest for January in the previous two years-making it colder than several hill stations.

People are goaded to take extra precautions in this fluttering cold weather to protect them from common cold and health problems.

In the winter, it’s common to experience cold and numbness in the hands and feet, however, some people experience coldness much more intensely than others.

If you are one of those people whose hands and feet are constantly ice-cold, it’s possible that your body is deficient in certain vital nutrients and minerals. Here are a few explanations for why you are feeling colder than most people.

Iron deficiency

The blood contains a significant amount of iron which makes sure that every cell works properly while assisting red blood cells in carrying oxygen throughout the body. A lack of iron in the body prevents the cells from properly transporting oxygen throughout the body. A person feels chillier when their body is deficient in iron. Iron-rich foods should be a regular part of your diet.

Lack of vitamin B12

Just like iron, vitamin B12 is essential for the production of red blood cells. Even when the body is deficient in vitamin B12, the sensation of being cold is very strong.

Poor blood circulation

If your hands and feet are frequently cold, poor blood circulation may be the reason for it. The arteries become restricted in the absence of healthy blood flow, which lowers the flow of blood to your organs and may cause you to feel colder than other people.

Lack of sleep

Numerous studies have also shown that people who don’t get enough sleep maintain low body temperatures. This is due to how sleep deprivation affects the brain and nervous system’s regulatory mechanisms that regulate body temperature.


As per study, it is seen that people with a BMI of 18.5 or less experience cold much more than the rest of the population.

The amount of muscle in underweight people is very low. To regulate body temperature and increase metabolism, and producing heat within the body, muscle mass plays a vital role. Up to 25% of the body’s natural heat is produced by muscles. Your body produces more heat as it produces more muscles.



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