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Google’s new AI Powered Note making Tool

Project Tailwind is a Google AI Powered Note making Tool

Tailwind is an AI powered first notebook for note making that help users to get quick answers about their notes in a simple understandable language.

Google at its annual I/O 2023 conference highlighted multiple AI powered tools that they are currently working on. However, the most prominent among them was Project Tailwind.

Project Tailwind is an AI notebook aimed at making note taking smarter for consumers. The AI tool pulls information from the uploaded documents or information user has saved on Google Drive.

Project Tailwind

Firstly, it is an AI powered note taking tool that uses Google’s PaLM 2 language model for organizing user notes. Further, it answers to all questions in a natural language.

Tailwind Availability

Currently, it is in a closed beta testing phase in the Unites States. However, Google has announced that it will soon open up the early access to waitlisted users in the US. Besides, the project will get a new name, as it is an experimental project just like other Google projects.

Tailwind Users

More to it, Google highlighted users of this AI tool. According to Google, the AI tool focusses on college students, writers, researchers, analysts and lawyers reviewing a case.

How does this AI Powered Tool works

Project Tailwind is available through Google Labs- a hub that offers links to different kinds of AI-related services that Google offers or is currently working on.

To use Project Tailwind, users first need to select files from Google Drive. Tailwind then creates a private AI model with expertise in that information, along with a personalized interface designed to help sift through the notes and docs.

Tailwind can generate a study guide, for example, highlighting key concepts and suggesting questions or even creating a reading comprehension quiz. The tool can also answer natural language questions about the notes, citing all of its sources within the docs. The AI model has buttons for “New ideas,” “Reading Quiz” and “Summary.”

Users can also interact with Tailwind using natural language to get answers related to their notes. This can be very helpful for students, researchers, and anyone else who needs to quickly find information in their notes.

Tailwind creates a personalized interface for each user. The interface is designed to help users find the information they need quickly and easily.

Tailwind Vs Other AI models

To answer the most important question of how Tailwind is different from other AI models, Tailwind is trained on user’s own data rather than the vast sea of information available on web.



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