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HomeHealthAdenovirus spreads rapidly in Kolkata at an alarming rate

Adenovirus spreads rapidly in Kolkata at an alarming rate

Adenovirus: A respiratory infection raising serious concern to doctors

US Center for Disease Control and Prevention

According to US Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Adenovirus causes mild cold or flu-like illness. This virus can affect people of all ages.

On February 27, the news of 3 children death within 24 hours span in Kolkata spread rapidly raising an alarm.

Two of the children were nine months old while one of them was a year and half old. According to news, nine months old has been confirmed a case of adenovirus while a confirmation is awaited for the remaining two children.

The sources confirm that two deaths occurred at the state’s premier and only referral hospital for children, Dr B.C. Roy Post Graduate Institute of Pediatric Sciences in Kolkata.

The death of the nine-month-old baby allegedly occurred due to lack of a PICU (paediatric intensive care unit) bed at the B.C. Roy hospital. The baby had already been treated for adenovirus for 12 days and was discharged, but later developed complications. The baby could not be admitted for the second time because all PICU beds in the hospital were full.

Bengal health authorities have been asked to be watchful after the state recorded a spike in the adenovirus cases. Due to this, the pediatric wards in the state as well as private hospitals are filling up fast.

As per health officials of Kolkata, 32 per cent of samples sent to the National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases (ICMR-NICED) in Kolkata since January have tested positive for the virus.

Over the past two months, health officials have reported a rise in cases of children suffering from cold and cough and also acute respiratory distress. According to doctors, many children under the age group of two years were suffering from severe cough and some even required respiratory support.

Symptoms of Adenovirus

Infected people may have relatively mild symptoms like a cold or flu, a fever, and a sore throat, or acute bronchitis, pneumonia, conjunctivitis and acute gastroenteritis, which is an inflammation of stomach.

Adenovirus can cause mild and severe illnesses but the latter is relatively uncommon. People with weak immune systems, existing respiratory or cardiac diseases are at higher risk of developing severe illness from adenovirus.


As per report of the US Center, the virus is usually transmitted by physical contact with an infected person. It can also spread through the air (via coughs and sneezes) or a patient’s stool; for example, while changing diapers.


There is currently no specific course of treatment or approved antiviral medication. Since most cases are mild, they are managed by pain-killlers or medication to manage symptoms.


Doctors suggest the best way to tackle the infection is prevention. Steps to avoid getting infected include avoiding touching your eyes, nose or mouth with contaminated hands. Also, regularly use soap or sanitizer to wash your hands.



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